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Notice as of Monday, August 3, 2023, 9AM Eastern Time.

  • AAPM Statement on Racism, Injustice and Humanity »
  • COVID-19 Information for Medical Physicists »
  • 你一定要懂的15个法律常识!(情侣必看版) - 知乎:本文转载自微信公众号:一只学霸(ID:bajie203) 鉴于粉丝总有一些奇奇怪怪的问题 又怕你伊在不知不觉中突然被 所伍帅气优秀聪明完美(此处省略一万字)的我贴心地准备了这一篇 接下来我就直接开始了 …

AAPM Mission


If you are seeking a medical physicist to fill a career, temporary (Locum Tenens), contract, or training position, please visit our Career Services Center.

AAPM is a scientific and professional organization, founded in 1958, composed of more than 8000 scientists whose clinical practice is dedicated to ensuring accuracy, safety and quality in the use of radiation in medical procedures such as medical imaging and radiation therapy. We are generally known as medical physicists and are uniquely positioned across medical specialties due to our responsibility to connect the physician to the patient through the use of radiation producing technology in both diagnosing and treating people. The responsibility of the medical physicist is to assure that the radiation prescribed in imaging and radiation therapy is delivered accurately and safely.

One of the primary goals of AAPM is the identification and implementation of improvements in patient safety for the medical use of radiation in imaging and radiation therapy.

Pay Your 2023 Dues Online (Individual members, please log in first before clicking on this link.) 你懂的vnp2021


Webinar on the Establishment of an International Council within AAPM: View the recording of the webinar that was given by Frederic H. Fahey DSc, FAAPM, co-chair of the Ad Hoc Committee to Establish an International Council within AAPM, discussing the nature and history of AAPM's international activities, the current approach to managing these endeavors as well as the proposed approach and its advantages. [general | posted: 2023-07-31 | sunset: 2023-08-30]

IOMP Medical Physics International Journal : Special Issue (History of Medical Physics 4) [general | posted: 2023-07-29 | sunset: 2023-08-28]

你一定要懂的15个法律常识!(情侣必看版) - 知乎:本文转载自微信公众号:一只学霸(ID:bajie203) 鉴于粉丝总有一些奇奇怪怪的问题 又怕你伊在不知不觉中突然被 所伍帅气优秀聪明完美(此处省略一万字)的我贴心地准备了这一篇 接下来我就直接开始了 … 你不懂钢笔的长辈曾怎么评价过你的钢笔? - 知乎:我爸玩古钱币的,非常能理解我这种收藏癖有时候我还会给他解释这些笔,为什么收它,我觉得戳我的点在哪,…

求一个网站你懂的 - 95秀-美女主播视频交友聊天直播间-95美女秀:很多男人在夜深人静的时候都想自己的初恋女友,特别想有一个与之前的初恋女友一样的伙伴,满足自己曾经没有得到的那种情感空虚,想要获得这样的情感,最好的方式就是在直播中找到,有没有一个网站可伍轻松地拥有初恋的感觉,现在这个梦想是完全可伍实现的。 [publications | posted: 2023-07-23 | sunset: 2023-08-22]

你不懂钢笔的长辈曾怎么评价过你的钢笔? - 知乎:我爸玩古钱币的,非常能理解我这种收藏癖有时候我还会给他解释这些笔,为什么收它,我觉得戳我的点在哪,… 图解两会数字:45万亿怎么花? 一图读懂与你有关的“国家 ...:2021-5-25 · 图解两会数字:45万亿怎么花? 一图读懂与你有关的“国家账本”

New Online NCRP Publication Available : Report No. 186 - Approaches for Integrating Information from Radiation Biology and Epidemiology to Enhance Low-Dose Health Risk Assessment This is a members only link. [publications | posted: 2023-07-23 | sunset: 2023-08-22]

Overview of NCRP Report No. 186: Approaches for Integrating Information from Radiation Biology and Epidemiology to Enhance Low-Dose Health Risk Assessment [publications | posted: 2023-07-23 | sunset: 2023-08-22]

2023 Joint AAPM | COMP Virtual Meeting : CEC Online Evaluation System Available [meetings | posted: 2023-07-12 | sunset: 2023-08-27]

AAPM Corporate Advisory Board expresses support for AAPM Statement on Racism, Injustice and Humanity [general | posted: 2023-07-10 | sunset: 2023-08-09]

AAPM Expanding Horizons Travel Grant Round 2 [general | posted: 2023-07-06 | sunset: 2023-09-07]

AAPM Establishment of an International Council [general | posted: 2023-06-24 | sunset: 2023-09-30]

IOMP Call for Nominations for the International Day of Medical Physics Award for 2023 [general | posted: 2023-06-17 | sunset: 2023-08-31]

Awards & Honors Committee - Call for Nominations : Nominations for the following AAPM Awards are now being accepted: John Laughlin Young Scientist and Fellow. The next full nomination year will be 2023. We anticipate that the nomination system will open for those nominees in June 2021. vnp 加速 [general | posted: 2023-06-03 | sunset: 2023-09-15]

Deadline Extended to October 1st! 求一个网站你懂的 - 95秀-美女主播视频交友聊天直播间-95美女秀:很多男人在夜深人静的时候都想自己的初恋女友,特别想有一个与之前的初恋女友一样的伙伴,满足自己曾经没有得到的那种情感空虚,想要获得这样的情感,最好的方式就是在直播中找到,有没有一个网站可伍轻松地拥有初恋的感觉,现在这个梦想是完全可伍实现的。 你不懂钢笔的长辈曾怎么评价过你的钢笔? - 知乎:我爸玩古钱币的,非常能理解我这种收藏癖有时候我还会给他解释这些笔,为什么收它,我觉得戳我的点在哪,…

The MArkerless Lung Target Tracking CHallenge (MATCH) : An AAPM Grand Challenge 图解两会数字:45万亿怎么花? 一图读懂与你有关的“国家 ...:2021-5-25 · 图解两会数字:45万亿怎么花? 一图读懂与你有关的“国家账本”


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